Term 2 wks 9-11


KAYA Parents,

As we approach the final three weeks of an eleven-week term, I want to express how impressed I am with the students' level of effort and perseverance. The workload in Year One is significantly more challenging than in Pre-primary, and all students have faced Semester One with a positive attitude and a love of learning.

Semester One reports will be available at the end of Week 11. You will notice a different layout compared to Pre-primary. Each subject will have a grade and an attitude and effort section for each subject. English and Maths are divided into three strands, each with individual grades and an overall grade for the subject. The reports will also include assessments of self-management and awareness, along with a general comment.

Please note that a 'C' grade indicates your child has met the standard for that area; it does not mean they have only achieved 50%. This is an outdated way of grading. I emphasize the importance of recognizing their attitude and effort as much as their grades. I am very impressed with how hard they have all worked this semester and look forward to next semester, feeling privileged to teach, guide, and foster their learning.

Learning Intentions: 


 e will focus on writing recounts by emphasising three key aspects: structure, vocabulary, and past tense writing. 

Structure: We will organise recounts into a clear sequence, starting with an orientation (who, what, when, where), followed by a chronological sequence of events using time-order words like "first," "next," "then," and "finally," and ending with a closing sentence. 

Vocabulary: We will use simple yet descriptive vocabulary, incorporating sensory details and feelings to make the recounts vivid and engaging. 

Past Tense Writing: We will ensure all recounts are written in the past tense, using verbs like "saw," "went," and "felt" to accurately describe events that have already happened. 


The "bossy 'e'" (or "silent 'e'") is an essential phonics rule that helps kids learn to read and spell. Here’s a simple explanation to help you support your child’s learning. 

Basic Concept 

The "bossy 'e'" changes the sound of the vowel before it. 

  • Without Bossy 'e': A word like "cap" has a short vowel sound (a as in "cat"). 

  • With Bossy 'e': Adding an 'e' changes "cap" to "cape," making the 'a' say its name (a as in "cake"). 


Here are some pairs of words to illustrate: 

  • Cap -> Cape 

  • Kit -> Kite 

  • Hop -> Hope 

  • Cub -> Cube 



Maths: This unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of the attributes of length as well as the concept of partial measures. Students are provided opportunities to:

·                explore units that can be used to measure our world

·                reason why the number of units changes depending on the size of the unit used

·                describe the lengths of objects that include partial measures

·                explore the relationships between parts and a whole when describing fractions.



Please check SEESAW for examples of your childs amazing work samples and photos of beautiful moments.


I will be sending home a laminated 120 chart for child to practice their number formation and understanding of place value. If you could please help in correcting any mistakes, it would be greatly appreciated.

Keeping Safe this term, the children will be learning some concepts relating to Protective Behaviours through the program Keeping Safe during Friday Health classes. The children will be taking part in the Keeping Safe lesson about personal space and body parts. We will be reading stories and emphasising the fact that all parts of their body are private. I understand that the children may laugh and giggle when we talk about the anatomical names, but this is important for every child to know.   

 OLC's Got Talent - An announcement from Mrs Sherborne and Mrs Graham:

We are excited to announce that our annual ‘OLC’s Got Talent’ Show will be held on Thursday 20th June at 1:30pm. Students from Years 3-6 will be unleashing their talents and performing in the hall for this event.  Many students have now auditioned and are preparing for the show, alongside our Year 6 ‘Arts Crew’ who will be hosting this year’s event. In addition to the show, we will be holding a full dress rehearsal on Wednesday 12th June at 1:40pm. If your children have been selected for the show, they will need to have any costumes/props/music ready to come to school on this day.  Please feel welcome to come along and join in the fun on Thursday 20th June. You will be treated to a showcase of fantastic talent!  If you have any questions about the day or the rehearsal, please do not hesitate to email one of us on amy.sherborne@cewa.edu.au or jessica.graham@cewa.edu.au


Cross Country(Years1-6)
In preparation for our participation in the SW Schools Interschool Cross Country next term, we are having our Cross-Country event on Thursday 13 June. Students from Years 1-6 will participate. We select students for our interschool team, based on the results of the event.

The Interschool Cross Country event will be held at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School on Thursday 25 July, 10.30-1.45pm.

OLC Dance Concert

For the first time in OLC History we are presenting a full school K-6 Dance Concert!

WHEN: FRIDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER, WEEK 10 TERM 3 (last day of the Term)
TIME: 11.15AM (approx 1.5 hours)

*Please note students will not be seated in the Hall so there will be plenty of room for all family members to attend*

The theme of our Concert is Disney Movies. Mrs Haines will be sending out costume requirements & information next Term.

If your child/children will be away for the last day of Term 3 PLEASE email 
ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au as soon as possible (even if you have told their classroom teacher, please also email me).

As many of you know we have lots of little bugs now going around in the school. As the seasons change it is a great time to reinforce the importance of personal hygiene. Emphasising the importance of your child washing their hands before eating and after going to the toilet as well as keep their hands out of their mouths is a great way to reduce the spread of these nasty bugs! Please keep your child home if they are unwell as it is not fair to spread germs on the other children.


Character Strength of the Week...Perspective...

 St. John XXII is known for his wisdom as well as his warmth and humour. He was responsible for the 2nd Vatican council which made some of the biggest reforms of the catholic church.  

Do you listen to everybody’s thoughts
and work out what is most important?
Do you take a big picture view?


Upcoming Events

Thursday 14th June - Cross Country

Thursday 20th June - OLC's Got Talent

Thursday 27th June - Whole School Mass

Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term (This is a pupil free day)


Have a great end of term. 

💜Tarma and Lauren









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