Term 4 weeks 5 & 6


In a heartwarming display of gratitude, Year 1 students had a wonderful time with their grandparents, creating stunning 3D art together. The day was filled with laughter and bonding as generations collaborated on these creative projects, capturing precious moments in photos that will be cherished for years.  


Learning Intentions for the fortnight   


We explore the letter 'c,' which makes the /s/ sound in words like 'ce,' 'ci,' and 'cy,' as well as the letter 'g,' which produces the /j/ sound in words such as 'ge,' 'gi,' and 'gy'. 



Writing - narrative texts 

The class will thoroughly study the words, phrases, and grammar in the model text 'The Three Little Pigs.' Following this, they will gain a deep understanding of the text and develop a story map with actions to enhance their memory. 


Maths -Students will learn three concepts that align with place value over the next fortnight.  

Renaming: changing from one place value to another. For example, 1 ten can be renamed as 10 ones. 1 hundred can be renamed as 10 tens. 1 thousand can be renamed as 10 hundreds. 


Teen numbers: Your child will understand place value in numbers in the tens. For example, they will know that in the number 25, the 2 represents 2 tens, and the 5 represents 5 ones.  


Rounding and estimating: To estimate means to make a rough guess or calculation. Rounding means making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was. The result is less accurate but easier to use. Example: 73 rounded to the nearest ten is 70 because 73 is closer to 70 than to 80. 


K-2 Dance Concert - details 
​​​​When: Friday, 17th November (Week 6) 
Time: 2.00 pm start (roughly a 45-minute show) 
Where: Hall 
The theme for the show is Animals! Please go as minimal or as extravagant as you like! 

Any black or brown clothing, please—any monkey ears/accessories are great too! No full-faced masks, please. 



Due to the Remembrance Service, there will not be a library exchange this week.  


Remembrance Day Service  

Remembrance Day, also known as Poppy Day, is a special occasion when we pay tribute to the courageous individuals who served in the armed forces to protect our country during the war. We use red poppy flowers as a symbol of remembrance and gratitude. On the 11th day of the 11th month, at 11 o'clock in the morning, we observe a moment of silence to honour these brave men and women. To help young children understand this day better, students often complete craft activities, like making paper poppies, and listen to stories about the bravery of those who helped keep us safe. It's a time to reflect on their sacrifices, the importance of peace, and the value of being kind to one another, as they exemplified great courage and selflessness in times of need. 


Free Dress – Thursday Naturaliste 

Free dress means you can wear comfortable clothes that cover your shoulders and allow you to play on all the equipment. Please make sure your clothes don't have any slogans that might hurt or offend others. Also, remember to wear shoes that support your ankles and are suitable for running. 


Pupil Free Day – Friday 10th November 

This day is dedicated to our teachers, allowing them to engage in valuable professional learning. They will focus on exploring Early Childhood development and theory. 



If you still need to return your homework books, kindly pack them in your child's bag so we can insert new homework sheets on Monday. 


Religion Program Information (Nativity) Term 4 – starting week 6 

RE: Religious Education Unit 1.8 Advent/Christmas 

The Bishops of Western Australia have the responsibility of ensuring that Catholic schools teach the Religious Education Program that they have approved.  

The purpose of Religious Education is to provide an understanding of the Christian message as it is handed on by the Catholic Church. Your child will be guided to study, research and learn what the Catholic Church teaches. 

If your child is not Catholic, you are encouraged to share your religious beliefs with them and support them in understanding how to live according to your faith and, when appropriate, discuss the similarities and differences that they might experience. 

The teaching of Religious Education is compulsory for all students in Catholic schools in Western Australia. Your child will have a fifteen-minute Religious Education lesson each day. They will also be expected to participate in praying and going to Mass throughout the year as part of the religious life of the school. 

This Year 1 unit explores the time of preparing during Advent and the celebrations of Christmas time. Just as families prepare for the birth of a new baby, Catholics remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus, during Advent. Your child will learn about Mary’s example and memorise the Hail Mary. 

At Christmas time, Christians read the story of the birth of Jesus. Through reading this story, people learn about the events and the visitors, such as the wise men who brought gifts to welcome and honour the gift of God’s Son, Jesus. Your child will explore the Bible and the story of the birth of Jesus. Your child will also learn about the Feast of the Epiphany, a Feast that occurs on 6 January to remember the visit of the wise men to worship baby Jesus.  

At Christmas, Christians celebrate not only the unending love God has for all people but also the love people should have for one another. Your child will identify how people may remember the gift of Jesus at Christmas, for example, by attending Mass, singing carols or giving and receiving gifts. 


VIA Character Strength 

Perspective is like special glasses that help you understand how others feel and think. It's about being a kind friend who cares about what others are going through and can support them when needed. 



Secret Santa 

You will be receiving the below note in your child’s reading folder on Monday. This will be presented on Thursday, 7th of December, at our class party.  

secret_santa.jpgSecret Secret santaSantasecret_santa.jpg 


Secret Santa is back this year and will be better than everThrough class discussion, your children have expressed their desire to do a Secret Santa gift exchange to celebrate this special time of year.    It would help if you had your gift at school by Monday 4th of DecemberOn Thursday, December 7th, we will be exchanging gifts during our class celebrationGifts this year should be around a $10 valueAll gifts need to be wrapped, age-appropriate and newAlso, this is a SECRET!! Do not tell anyone, except your family, the identity of your Secret SantaThis gift exchange intends to spread joy and strengthen our learning community.  

ShapeYour Secret Santa is  



Important Dates for Term 4 2023   

  • Thursday 9th November - Remembrance Day Service 11 am in the hall 

  • Friday 10th November - Pupil Free Day  

  • Friday 17th November – K-2 Dance Concert 

  • Wednesday 29th November - OLC Christmas Concert  

  • Thursday 7th December – Slip N Slide Water Party & Secret Santa 

  • Friday 8th December - OLC Colour Run and Last Day of School 


We hope you enjoy this short week 


💜Tarma, Lauren & Linde




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