Term 3- Weeks 7 & 8



Let's take a moment to celebrate the extra time we have had to create incredible magic that is family time. 🥰 In this fast-paced world, where everything seems to be rushing by in a whirlwind, family time is like a soothing melody that brings harmony and joy to our lives. 


Family time is more than just a time to unwind; it's a powerful bond that weaves a tapestry of connections. It's where the young learn from the wise, where love and support flow freely, and where dreams are nurtured. It's a space where you can be yourself without any masks, where your quirks and flaws are accepted with open arms. We hope you enjoyed your Monday off.  


Education Assistant (EA) week: 

To our Amazing Teacher Assistants Lauren and Linde.


Your dedication and support are truly remarkable. You create a thriving learning environment, assisting teachers and students alike. Your patience, adaptability, and commitment to every student's success are commendable. Your impact is immeasurable, boosting confidence and understanding. In times of change, you provide stability with your teamwork and flexibility. Your hard work is seen and deeply appreciated by all – teachers, students, and parents. You're shaping futures with every contribution. 



Learning Intentions for the fortnight 

Spelling: To make different words this fortnight, we use the phonic 'au' as in 'launch' and 'aw as in 'claw'. 


Weeks 1 & 2 – We focus on the structure of a persuasive text. Persuasive texts for kids aid in developing critical thinking, communication skills, empowerment, and analytical abilities, fostering responsible citizenship and preparing them for academic and professional success while navigating an increasingly persuasive media landscape. 


Week 7 – Directional language.  

Week 8 – The relationship between addition and subtraction.  

Several activities can be used to teach children about the relationship between addition and subtraction.   

Number Line Exploration: Using a number line, children can physically move along the line to understand the effects of addition and subtraction. They can start at a number, move forward to show addition and move backward to demonstrate subtraction. 


Fact Families: Introduce fact families, where a set of three numbers is related through addition and subtraction. For example, with the numbers 3, 4, and 7, children can see that 3 + 4 = 7 and 7 - 4 = 3. 


Number Bonds: Number bond activities help children break down numbers into their component parts. For instance, for the number 7, they could explore combinations like 3 + 4 or 5 + 2, showcasing both addition and subtraction relationships. 


Health: Over the past weeks, we have been learning the parts of our body. Students understand that their body is theirs and have the right to say who can touch their body. Your child may say they have learned the correct names for their private parts. Learning the correct names for private parts is important for clear communication, body positivity, safety, empowerment, and accurate medical discussions. Here is a book that you may want to read with your child.


Home Reading Folders  

Please sign your child’s reading folder so we know they have read the book. If it is not signed, we are taking it as you need the same book to read as you didn’t get time.  


Encouraging reading at home is pivotal for a child's holistic development. It fosters language skills, cognitive growth, and academic success, enhancing vocabulary, critical thinking, and comprehension. Reading sparks imagination, empathy, and creativity while improving attention span and reducing stress. It cultivates a strong parent-child bond, instils lifelong learning habits, and imparts essential life skills. Parents can lead by example, provide a reading-friendly environment, engage in discussions, and respect their child's preferences, ultimately nurturing a love for reading beyond childhood. 


VIA Character Strength – Humility 

Humility for kids is about being modest, respectful, and open to learning from others while valuing their feelings, acknowledging mistakes, and treating everyone kindly. 



Important Dates for Term 3 2023 

  • Monday 28th August - Pupil Free Day  

  • Friday 1st September - EA Appreciation Day - We love you, Mrs. King and Mrs. Beatty

  • Sunday 3rd September - Father's Day 

  • Friday 8th September - OLC's Got Talent

  • Wednesday 13th September - Learning Journey - Open Classroom 

  • Thursday 14th September - R U OK Day  

  • Friday 15th September - OLC Athletics Carnival  

  • Friday 22nd September – Book Weekday (dress up) 

  • Friday 22nd September – 1N Assembly 

  • Saturday 23rd September – Start of term break (stay safe) 


Please let me know ASAP if your child won't be at school for our assembly.

Have a wonderful week!                          


Tarma, Lauren & Linde.



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