Term 3- weeks 3-4


Welcome to week 3! I can’t believe we are in week three already. The students have settled back into term 3 amazingly. I am very proud of all their achievements and how much they have grown over the year. Bring on SPRING! 🌞

Learning Intentionsfor the fortnight 

Spelling: Students will learn the long vowel sound with the "e" at the end in the upcoming weeks. 

Writing: We look at different procedures and learn the parts to "how-to" do something. The vocabulary is made up of simple and clear words that give you clear directions, like action words (verbs), words that show order (first, next, finally), and words that tell you how to do something (carefully, slowly). 



Week 3 and 4 students will be introduced to meaningful contexts to practice skip-counting by making equal groups using active, highly visual, and kinaesthetic hands-on learning with explicit teacher modelling. Students will practice skip-counting by twos, fives and tens starting from zero.


Home folders 

Please continue to bring in home folders daily. Reading books will be exchanged Monday and Wednesday. Please remember to write in your child’s reading log so we know when they have finished their book to change to a new book.  Please remember to put your child’s homework book in their folder.


Dance Semester 2! 

Year 1 will start Dance for Semester 2 starting week 1 of Term 3. Our Dance Day is Monday. Please ensure your child wears sports uniform on Monday, Thursday, and Friday.



Important Dates for Term 3 2023- CHANGES!!!!

·       Wednesday 2nd August- Year 1 100 days of school class party 

Friday 4th August - OLC feast day and mission markets  

day and mission markets  

·       Wednesday 9th August - World Indigenous Day  

·       Monday 28th August - Pupil Free Day 

·       Friday 1st September - EA Appreciation Day - We love you, Mrs King and Mrs Beatty! 

·       Sunday 3rd September - Father's Day  

·       Wednesday 13th September - Learning Journey - Open Classroom 

·       Thursday 14th September - R U OK Day  

·       Friday 15th September - OLC Athletics Carnival 

·       Friday 22nd September 1N assembly and Book Week parade (new date)

·       Friday 22nd September - OLC's Got Talent and the last day of school for the term.

Butter Factory Excursion 

This excursion is cancelled due to only one excursion per class.  


100-day Party: 

This Wednesday is our Year 1 100-Day Party - a day of fun, learning, and a shared lunch. Boys, please bring savoury dishes, and girls, please bring sweet treats. We can't wait to make it an unforgettable celebration for both classes! To ensure everyone's comfort, we have the necessary facilities available. There will be an oven to heat up the savoury dishes the boys will bring and a fridge to safely store the sweet treats the girls contribute until lunchtime. 


The children will be delighted to participate in exciting and educational activities revolving around the number 100, enhancing their learning experience while enjoying the festivities. 


Mission Markets - On Friday, we will be having our Mission Markets. This is a day to show our appreciation and understanding of Mary as our Patroness; to understand and celebrate the Feast of the Assumption; to raise awareness of those less fortunate in the world, and to “give” as an antidote to need.

Over the week, we will watch videos and complete activities relating to the above to help raise the children's awareness that some people don't have it as well as we do.

On Friday, students need to bring a maximum of $15 in coins to spend at the various stalls. Most stalls are 50c or $1 - A Ziplock bag clearly labelled is also a good option.

1N stall is a SILENT DISCO in the hall!! I can’t thank DJ Mandy enough for generously donating her services to our stall. All the OLC students are going to love the silent disco.

Operation Christmas Child - the Year 1 children will again be involved in a “Shoe Box Gift” as part of the Operation Christmas Child initiative. 

These will be sent to underprivileged children worldwide who wouldn’t normally receive a gift at Christmas time. 

This initiative strongly supports the school’s value of Compassion and the Making Jesus Real program, from which the students learn the value of doing acts for others who are in need.

The children will be placed into in groups, and between them, they will fill a shoebox for a BOY or GIRL aged 2-4 years of age with a variety of items. 

Each child in the group will be asked to cover the cost of sending the shoebox to its final destination. Each group member needs to bring in $2.50 each.  

Please refer to the blog for some examples of what to bring in and what not to bring in.

If you have any queries or concerns, can you please contact us ASAP, as the children will need to have their items in by the end of Week 5 - Friday 18th August.



Phonics Folders 

A big shout out to the wonderful parents that have been making these folders up for the students to learn how to put words together by their sounds.  LEGENDS!

Character Strength of the Week...


·     Judgment involves making rational and logical choices and analytically evaluating ideas, opinions, and facts. 

·       It is critical thinking, weighing the evidence fairly, thinking things through, and examining the evidence from all sides rather than jumping to conclusions. 

·       Judgment also involves being open-minded and able to change one’s mind in the light of evidence, remaining open to other arguments and perspectives. 

·       A great strength to talk about, particularly in relation to making choices on what we do.

A message from Mrs King- “Thank you so very much for the beautiful presents. I feel extremely spoilt! I look forward to being back in our class on Monday. I’ve missed everyone’.

Thanks for your ongoing support. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!


Kind regards, 

💜Tarma, Lauren and Linde.  




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