1N Term 2 weeks 5-6

 Weeks 5-6

Kaya Families,

I can’t believe we are halfway through the Term 2! The growth I have seen in our class already is amazing. Every student brings something different and valuable to our classroom.

Learning Intentions for the fortnight: 

Spelling: This fortnight’s spelling focus is ‘oa’ and ‘ow’. 

Writing:  This week, we finalise the recount genre that we have been studying. Recounts involve retelling personal experiences or events that have occurred in the past. Here are some main things that the students have learned about recounts:

1. Sequencing: Students learn to organize their thoughts and experiences logically. They understand that recounting events involves presenting them in the order they happened, using words like "first," "next," "then," and "finally."

2. Personal Narratives: Recounts often focus on personal experiences, such as a family outing, a birthday party, or a visit to a zoo. Students learn to recall and retell these events using their own words.

3. Descriptive Language: Students are encouraged to use descriptive language to make their recounts more engaging and vivid. Using descriptive adjectives and adverbs, they learn to include details about people, places, and actions.

4. Past Tense: Six-year-olds start to grasp the concept of verb tense, including the past tense. They learn to use past tense verbs when recounting events that have already happened.

5. First-Person Perspective: Recounts are typically written or spoken from a first-person perspective. Students understand that they are retelling their own experiences and use pronouns like "I" and "me" to convey this.

In week six, the class will be looking at Information Reports.



Week 5: We are focusing on MONEY! Students will learn to recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value. Identify that the value of Australian coins is not related to their size and describe the features of coins that make it possible to identify them.

Week 6: Students will use various practical strategies for adding and subtracting small groups of numbers, such as visual displays or concrete materials.


Classroom Changes: 

Homework Books (new)

We will send home new homework books for the upcoming fortnight break this week. These books are essential to your continued learning and should be used diligently during this period. Please ensure the safekeeping of these books and encourage your child to complete the assigned tasks within the given timeframe. At the end of the fortnight break, I ask that you return the homework books to the classroom. A reminder post will be sent out closer to the end of the break to facilitate the book return process. Returning the books on time will allow me to provide feedback to each student and evaluate their progress accurately.

In the homework book, there will be:

The fluency grid (read each weeknight) – read every school night (Monday – Friday)

Fortnight spelling words Sound template – (complete 3 times over the fortnight)


Tap It, Zap It, and Map It - (complete 3 times over the fortnight)

Breakdown of spelling words

This fortnight's news roster:

I will send home new News Rosters as there are a couple of changes.

Term 2 News Roster

Week 5


























Week 6


























Term 2 News follows the format of ‘object description’. They will need to describe their news using two elements such as:

·       What it is + what type

·       What it is + where is found

·       What it is + one piece of information

·       What it is + what it is used for

·       What it is + what is it made from


When your child tells their news, I have asked them to use the 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Let's explore what each of these means:

1. Who: This is about the people or characters involved in the news. Children should talk about who is doing something, who the news is about, or who is affected by the event or situation.

2. What: This is about the main action or event that is happening. Children should describe what is happening, what is being talked about, or what is important to know.

3. Where: This is about the location or place where the news is taking place. Children should mention where something is happening, where an event occurred, or where people or things are located.

4. When: This is about the time or timeframe of the news. Children should share when something happened, when it will happen, or how long it lasted.

5. Why: This is about the reason or purpose behind the news. Children should explain why something is important, why it happened, or why people are interested in it.

By including these 5 W's in their news, children can provide a complete and well-rounded story for their audience.


Please help your child prepare using the above format. If your child would like to use a photo, please feel free to email me. Tarma.neal@cewa.edu.au

Character strength: VIA Character Strength for your blog: Leadership

Year 1 Cultural Experience 

This is just a quick update to inform you that more information about the Year 1 cultural experience to Cape Kaya will be available closer to the date. The excursion will be on Monday, June 19th. Stay tuned for further updates! If you would like to be a parent volunteer, please email me; we require one volunteer from each year one class; therefore, I will pick a name out of a hat.

Uniform Update/Check-In:

Shoes - Please ensure your child's shoes comply with the examples from our website. 

Students should NOT wear sneakers with their formal uniform - Running Club days are an exception for those who ATTEND. 

Some students are not attending running club but are wearing their sneakers with their formal uniform.

Hair Cuts - A reminder that hair that is past your child's collar must be securely tied back...that will survive the day without coming undone. Fringes must also be secured so that beautiful faces can be seen.

Hair Ties - Please ensure that these are in the school colours of black, teal and white. Neutral/hair colour colours are also fine...no elaborate bows, elastics or claw clips, please.

Socks - Please make sure that your daughter is wearing white socks with her shoes and your son is wearing grey socks with theirs...they should be plain white or grey with no logo and most definitely not black.

Upcoming events:

Week 5

Upcoming events

Monday 22nd May - Veggie Stall before school  

Friday 26th May - National Sorry Day & Van Scholz LAST DAY

Monday 29th May - Veggie Stall before school  

Monday 29th - Friday 2nd June - National Reconciliation Week  

Friday 2nd June - Pupil Free Day  

Friday 5th June - WA Public Holiday  

Monday 12th June - Veggie Stall before school  

Monday 19th June – Yr 1 Cultural Experience – Cape Kaya Excursion 

Monday 19th June - Veggie Stall before school  

Tuesday 20th June - World Refugee Day  

Monday 26th June - Veggie Stall before school  

Friday 30th June - End of Term 2 

Have a wonderful fortnight, and please contact me if you want to know more about any of these topics.  


Bornung Koort Dombart Wongi (many hearts, one voice) 


Tarma, Lauren & Linde 





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