Weeks 8-9 1N

 Week 8 - 9 

 Kaya Families, 

What a great incursion we had this week! Josh and Rosie taught the Year 1's some special skills and gave out some prizes. Congratulations to India and Stella from 1K for winning your little ball.  


Parent Teacher Meetings  

Week 8 and 9 starts our parent meeting fortnight. Thank you all for booking meetings for the next fortnight, and thank you to those I have already seen. I am looking forward to having a chat with you all. The timetable is on our classroom window if you haven't booked a time already. Please double-check that you have added time to your diary, and if you can't make it, email me, and we will organise another time. 


Learning Intentions for the next fortnight 

Spelling: phonemes "ck, ch, sh, th, oo, ng',  

Breakdown of fortnightly spelling focus. 


Writing: This week we look at describing how the character moves using carefully chosen verbs and adverbs e.g. She tiptoed slowly. 




Looking a two-digit numbers using manipulatives such as MAB blocks, groups of popsticks, and cards.  


On Monday we will be sending home week 8 - 9 fluency grid with this fortnight focus sounds and tricky words. 



Term Design Technology project – Air Propelled Car 

In design technology we have been looking at designing our own air propelled car. Students looked at when the balloon is inflated it stores the compressed air and stretched rubber as potential energy. When you let the air out of the balloon, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy; this is the energy of motion, which is why the car moves. We explored how a design does not need to be perfect and therefore mistakes are going to matter as they will help us to get to the perfect end design. This week your child will need to bring in a 600ml plastic bottle (recycled) to make their car.  



PLD Packs and Library Books  

Your child's PLD pack is due back each Tuesday, and the library book is due each Wednesday  


Math Pencil Cases 

Your child will be getting their own Math pencil cases this week to bring home label all items with a permanent pen and return to school. Please place your child's initials on each card of their playing deck so we can keep track of the playing decks. Once all items are initialled then please return them as soon as possible.  


Character Strength VIA 

St Ignatius Loyola was an expert in the art of spiritual direction. His Prayer the daily Examen was a way to reflect and show gratitude to God for our blessings. Do you easily find what went well in your day and are thankful for it? Do you feel blessed? 


Project Compassion Colouring In 

This week we will pick the winner for the Project Compassion Colouring In competition. Please bring in your colouring and $1 before Friday morning.  

Upcoming events 

National Ride to School Day – Friday 24th March 

Year 4 Sacrament of First Eucharist: Saturday 26th March 
2M Prayer Assembly: Friday 31st March 
Last Day of Term 1: Thursday 6th April 

Public Holiday Easter Friday Friday 7th April 


Have a wonderful week and try to do something special for yourself 


Bornung Koort Dombart Wongi (many hearts one voice)

Tarma, Lauren & Linde






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