Welcome to 1N 2023


Welcome to Year 1, 2023

Kaya, (welcome) Families, I hope you have had a relaxing summer break enjoying family time and have made some beautiful memories. Some of you may recognise me from Terms 3 and 4 last year when I completed my teaching degree at OLC. I am lucky to have already built beautiful relationships with your children, and I look forward to further developing these relationships during 2023. 

 The 1N team are: 

Mrs Tarma Neal- Teacher
 Mrs Lauren King- EA (Working Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) 
Mrs Linde Beatty- EA (Working Fri)

I look forward to spending time with your child. Children learn in different ways.  Year One is an incredible year in your child's life of learning. It is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of education. This is a year of critical transitions and one in which the acquisition of new skills is accelerated.

During Year One, your child will learn more about how language works, consolidate alphabet and sound knowledge, increase their tricky word bank, learn how to write, work with numbers, and so much more!  We hope to make your child's days of learning fun and exciting, and we hope to instil a love of learning that will last throughout your child's years of schooling.

So much happens in Year One!  Because of this, parents and children may have some apprehensions about what will happen.  It is essential to keep in mind that we all build on small successes.  Each child will progress at his/her own rate, acquiring skills as he/she is developmentally ready.  Maintaining each child's self-esteem and building a secure foundation for future growth will always remain a priority in our class.

Here are some ways you can help:

  •       Celebrate your child's success, no matter how small it may seem.  This will keep your child enthusiastic about learning and proud of their work!
  •       Look for and read any notes and letters going home and stay updated on what’s going on in our regular blog posts. These will have important information and helpful reminders.
  •       Read to and with your child every day, if possible. The more your child is exposed to language, the easier it will be for him/her to incorporate new skills in reading and writing in the classroom.

This will be a most exciting year in which your child will love to learn. I look forward to working with you and your child and developing in them the interest and motivation to ask and find out ‘why’.

Uniform-Term one is our summer uniform: 
Girls - Summer dress with brown sandals or black school shoes with white socks. 
Boys - White shirt, grey shorts with brown sandals or black school shoes with grey socks. Please see the school website for more information. 

Stationery Boxes- On Monday 30th, and Tuesday 31st, there will be stationery boxes outside of the classroom to drop off stationery to lighten the load on the first day. In Year 1, all stationery is shared, so no names are needed on the items. The only items that need to be labelled with your child's name are the headphones and the home folder. Writing books can be left uncovered as we have found that they stay intact, which is better for the environment. Boxes will be set up from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm for both days. Please drop into the school to drop off items.  Your stationery may have been delivered to the school. We will label your child's headphones and home folder in this case. We ask that you bring the home folder that you used last year in Pre-primary if you did not buy a new one; as well, we will re-use them this year to hold our fluency grid and reading book. If you are unsure of the stationery requirements, then please email me.

Names- To prevent belongings from going missing, I encourage you to label all your child’s items clearly, e.g., lunchbox, hat, bag, water bottle etc. Children have lovely intentions, but when they get excited and play with their friends, they can become forgetful. I will let you know when something has gone missing and we are struggling to find it.  

Communication Books- This book will be kept just outside the door of 1N near the door to communicate with me how your child is going home if it is different from the norm and you would like me to remind them before they leave at the end of each day.  Examples are “Sally will be going home with Bob” and “Sarah is on the orange bus”.  Please remember to ring the office if there is a change to pick or drop-off routines throughout the day, as we do not check email during teaching hours and break duties. 

Class Blog- A class blog will come out each fortnight with information on upcoming events, the subject focuses, things to remember, and what is happening around the school. You will get an email or text message when the latest one is ready to read. This blog will be the primary communication for parent information over the year. 

Seesaw- Seesaw is OLC’s formal reporting format, where we give you an insight into your child’s achievements. This is so you, as a parent, are informed of your child’s learning, and it will allow you to celebrate their success and state what area they are working on. Parents or family members (e.g., grandparents) can access your child’s Seesaw account, and you can access it directly with the Seesaw Family app on your phone, device or computer. I would love you to comment on your child’s work, as they can access the school app, and I would love to see feedback. Seesaw invites will come home in the first week of school. Along with our fortnightly Seesaw posts, your child’s progress and learning will be sent home in an assessment folder at the end of each semester and when reports are submitted. I look forward to a positive change that will benefit the environment and your child’s progress and learning.

Bell Times 

Doors open at 8:30 am  

The first lesson starts at 8:40 am 

Recess 10:40 am – 11:00 am 

Lunch 1:00 pm – 1:40 pm 

End of day 3:00 pm 

Collect your child from the courtyard each afternoon.  

Swimming lessons- A reminder that year one students are not participating in swimming lessons this year.

Crunch & Sip- Each morning before recess, we will stop for a 5-minute Crunch & Sip break. The idea of Crunch & Sip is that the students have a short break to increase their energy levels, raise awareness about eating fruit and vegetables, and encourage them to drink water and keep hydrated throughout the school day. You can refer to the Crunch & Sip website (www.crunchandsip.com.au) for specifics on a list of foods that can be packed for this morning. The list will include fresh fruit and vegetables (celery/carrot sticks, broccoli, chopped or whole fruit, and dried fruit). Please bring a water bottle with your child's name on it, which can be placed on their desks along with their small container of fruit/vegetables. Reminder OLC is a NUT-FREE school. 

Class Timetable- The class timetable will be displayed on our window. Alternatively, I will have copies if you would like one for home. 

Canteen- The canteen will run on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Students are welcome to purchase food and drink at recess without prior ordering. If your child would like a lunch order, you can order online or can be ordered directly at the canteen. Since students are still young in Year 1,recommend ordering their recess online so there will be no problems collecting change and returning it home.  


Upcoming events 

First day Wednesday 1st February (week 1) 

Healthy Lunchbox Week (week 2) 

Home ReadingAs the children are settling into the new routines and expectations of Year One, In week 3, your child will start to bring home their reading folders. A fluency grid, spelling words and a home reader will be in the folders. Your child will have their fluency grid for the two weeks to practise reading the words each night, and every two days, your child will have their home reader swapped over to a new book. I ask that your child bring in their reading folder daily as they will use their reader and fluency grid. Home folders will be collected on Friday and stay at school over the weekend.   

Policy for Early Leaving- The OLC policy regarding early leaving - If you wish to collect your child early from school, you must come to the office first and sign out via SEQTA using the school iPad. 

Volunteers Needed 

Your child receives a maths pencil case of hands-on resources during math lessons. We will be looking for volunteers in week 2 to make up these pencil cases. The time will be during school hours, and we will be looking for four or more parents to help. More information will be coming out closer to the time.  

COMMUNICATION- Parents and teachers need to work together, and it is essential to keep communication open and flowing. Please contact me via email as soon as anything arises that you feel may affect your child at school or if there is something that is concerning you. Alternatively, I believe in an open-door policy, so feel free to pop in before or after school. I look forward to meeting you over the coming weeks, so please, if you are on the school grounds, feel free to pop in, say hi and introduce yourself.

Bornung Koort Dombart Wongi (many hearts on voice) 

I am looking forward to seeing your little ones on Wednesday!

💗Mrs. Tarma Neal





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