
Showing posts from October, 2023

Term 4 weeks 3 & 4

  K a y a, How fast did those first two weeks go?! The year ones have started the term strong with impressive reading level growth. I am so proud of them all! 1N and 1K have been joining together during HASS and Art lessons to allow them to develop friendships throughout the cohort.     Welcome to our new principal, Mrs Angela Hegney! We loved you visiting our class.   Learning Intentions for the fortnight     Spelling:   In the upcoming two weeks, the students will practice words containing the 'ear,' 'eer,' 'air,' and 'are' sounds to create various words.     Writing:   The students will first rehearse summarising a narrative tale and then select components of a narrative text. Next, they will examine the vocabulary utilised in various texts.    Maths: Fractions Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole by sharing a collection of readily available materials into two equal portions, splitting a