
Showing posts from August, 2023

Term 3- Weeks 7 & 8

    Kaya,        Let's take a moment to celebrate the extra time we have had to create incredible magic that is family time. 🥰 In this fast-paced world, where everything seems to be rushing by in a whirlwind, family time is like a soothing melody that brings harmony and joy to our lives.         Family time is more than just a time to unwind; it's a powerful bond that weaves a tapestry of connections. It's where the young learn from the wise, where love and support flow freely, and where dreams are nurtured. It's a space where you can be yourself without any masks, where your quirks and flaws are accepted with open arms. We hope you enjoyed your Monday off.        Education Assistant (EA) week:   To our Amazing Teacher Assistants Lauren and Linde.     Your dedication and support are truly remarkable. You create a thriving learning environment, assisting teachers and students alike. Your patience, adaptability, and commitment to every student's success are c